Image View Show Thumbnail Jquery
08 April 2010
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Masukan kode diibawah ini tepat diatas </head> :
Cara tambahkan Image :
1. Cara tambahkan gambar biasa.
2. Tambah gambar gunakan " Image View Show Thumbnail Jquery ".
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<link href='' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
* Fullsize
* Copyright 2009 Drew Wilson
* Version 1.0 - Updated: Mar. 30, 2009
* Fullsize is an attempt to standardize the way in page 'image popups' work.
* It seems there are hundreds of javascripts light boxes, modal boxes, image zooms, image popups, etc.
* But none of them provide a way to signal the user that what they just clicked on, is an
* in page pop-up of a larger version (or 'fullsize' version) of the image they just clicked.
* Fullsize is an attempt to do just that, provide a 'standard' way for users to recognize an in page pop-up.
* My intention is to get a 'fullsize' attribute added to the <IMG> element in the next version of HTML.
* This would allow browsers to do an in page pop-up of the 'fullsize' image natively.
* In page pop ups are here to stay... so lets standardize them.
* Check out for more info and to show your support for Fullsize.
* This jQuery plug-in is my atempt to bring the idea of 'fullsize' into a reality.
* Though my intention is to push this functionality to the browser itself and not rely on JavaScript libraries,
* for now, this will have to do :)
* This Fullsize jQuery plug-in is dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
$.fn.fullsize = function(options) {
var defaults = {
shadow: true,
zoomInSpeed: 200,
zoomOutSpeed: 200,
fadeInSpeed: 250,
fadeOutSpeed: 250,
iconOffset: 8,
forceTitleBar: false,
extraTrigger: false,
parentSteps: 0,
destroy: false
var opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
// Remove all Fullsize Icons on destroy request
if(opts.destroy == true){
// If ESC key pressed, close Fullsize
if(event.keyCode == 27){
$("div.fullsize-wrapper, div.fullsize-sh-wrap").fadeOut(opts.fadeOutSpeed, function(){
return this.each(function(){
// Remove all Fullsize bound events
if(opts.destroy == true){
} else {
// Check to make sure there is a 'longdesc' attribute before we add Fullsize to the Element.
if($(this).attr("longdesc")) {
// Declare the current Image as a variable, and gather some of it's properties.
var org_image = $(this);
var img_title = org_image.attr("title");
var img_src = org_image.attr("longdesc");
// Setup the Fullsize Icon
var icon = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-icon").css({"display":"none"});
// Move up Parents until the spcified limit has been met, then find the additional specified Selector
var addTrigger;
var theParent = org_image;
for (var i=0; i <= opts.parentSteps; i++){
theParent = theParent.parent();
addTrigger = theParent.find(opts.extraTrigger);
// If the Original Image is contained inside of an Element that has a 'overflow' set to 'hidden',
// and the Original Image has a negitive 'margin-top', this will make the Offest values be set to the
// Element with the 'overflow:hidden' property, rather than the Original Image itself.
// Otherwise the Fullsize icon would not show up in the correct position.
var margin_top = org_image.css("marginTop").slice(0,-2);
var margin_bottom = org_image.css("marginLeft").slice(0,-2);
var margin_left = org_image.css("marginLeft").slice(0,-2);
var margin_right = org_image.css("marginLeft").slice(0,-2);
if (margin_top < 0 || margin_bottom < 0 || margin_left < 0 || margin_right < 0) {
var parent_ele = $(org_image);
var parentEls = $(org_image).parents();
if(this.tagName == "BODY") {
return false;
} else if($(this).css("overflow") == "hidden") {
parent_ele = $(this);
return false;
var offset = parent_ele.offset();
var parent_border_top = parseInt(parent_ele.css("border-top-width"));
var parent_border_left = parseInt(parent_ele.css("border-left-width"));
} else {
var offset = org_image.offset();
var parent_border_top = parseInt(org_image.css("border-top-width"));
var parent_border_left = parseInt(org_image.css("border-left-width"));
if (!parent_border_top){ parent_border_top = 0; }
if (!parent_border_left){ parent_border_left = 0; }
var displayFlag = false;
if(parseInt($(this).css("top")) == ( + opts.iconOffset + parent_border_top) && parseInt($(this).css("left")) == (offset.left + opts.iconOffset + parent_border_left)){
displayFlag = true;
curIcon = $(this);
if(displayFlag == false){
$(icon).css({"top" + opts.iconOffset + parent_border_top, "left":offset.left + opts.iconOffset + parent_border_left});
}, function(){
}, function(){
// If a Fullsize Popup is currently active, we will remove it before creating a new one.
$("div.fullsize-wrapper, div.fullsize-sh-wrap").remove();
// Gather window & scroll positions.
var win_w = $(window).width();
var win_h = $(window).height();
var scrolltop = $(window).scrollTop();
var scrollleft = $(window).scrollLeft();
// Setup the Loading DIV
var loading_left = ((win_w / 2) + scrollleft) - 25;
var loading_top = ((win_h / 2) + scrolltop) - 25;
var full_loading = $("<div></div>").addClass('fullsize-loading').css({"margin-left":loading_left, "margin-top":loading_top});
var full_loading_inner = $("<div></div>").addClass('fullsize-loading-inner');
// Setup the Fullsize Image
var full_img = new Image();
// Determine how to position the Fullsize Image into the center of the page.
var new_offset = org_image.offset();
img_w = this.width;
img_h = this.height;
// If the Image is bigger than the window, shrink it to fit in the window.
aspect = img_w / img_h;
if ((img_w + 30) > win_w) {
img_w = win_w - 30;
img_h = img_w / aspect;
if ((img_h + 30) > win_h) {
img_h = win_h - 30;
img_w = img_h * aspect;
var img_left = Math.round(((win_w - img_w) / 2) + scrollleft);
var img_top = Math.round(((win_h - img_h) / 2) + scrolltop);
if(img_left < 0) {
img_left = 0;
if(img_top < 0) {
img_top = 0;
$(this).css({"height": org_image.height() + "px", "width":org_image.width() + "px"});
var full_wrap = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-wrapper").css({"display":"none", "margin-top", "margin-left":new_offset.left});
// If there is a 'Title' attribute on the Original Image, display the Title bar.
if(img_title != "" || opts.forceTitleBar == true) {
var full_close = $("<a></a>").addClass("fullsize-close");
var full_title = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-title").css({"max-width":img_w});
var full_title_text = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-title-text").text(img_title);
if(img_top != 0) {
img_top = img_top - 12;
} else {
// Setup Shadows
if (opts.shadow == true) {
if ($.browser.safari) {
$(full_wrap).css({"-webkit-box-shadow":"0 2px 16px #000", "box-shadow":"0 2px 16px #000"});
} else {
var full_sh_wrap = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-wrap").css({"display":"none", "width": org_image.width(), "margin-top", "margin-left":new_offset.left});
var full_sh_top = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-top");
var full_sh_top_left = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-top-l");
var full_sh_top_middle = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-top-m");
var full_sh_top_right = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-top-r");
var full_sh_body = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-body");
var full_sh_body_r = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-body-r");
var full_sh_bottom = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-bottom");
var full_sh_bottom_left = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-bottom-l");
var full_sh_bottom_middle = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-bottom-m");
var full_sh_bottom_right = $("<div></div>").addClass("fullsize-sh-bottom-r");
// Setup shadow Animations
height: parseInt(full_wrap.height()) + img_h - 22
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomInSpeed});
height: parseInt(full_wrap.height()) + img_h + 22,
width: img_w + 22,
marginTop: img_top - 9,
marginLeft: img_left - 11
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomInSpeed});
// Setup Animations
height: img_h,
width: img_w
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomInSpeed});
width: img_w,
marginTop: img_top,
marginLeft: img_left
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomInSpeed});
closeFullsize(full_img, full_wrap, org_image, $(this));
// This function is purposely pulled out of the Image Load function.
// By doing so the Fullsize Image will now find the exact loacation of the Original Image
// when you click the Close button. This way the Fullsize Image will always go back to it's
// original position, even if you resize the window, and the Original Image changes it's position.
function closeFullsize(full_img, full_wrap, org_image, ele) {
var offsets = org_image.offset();
height: org_image.height(),
width: org_image.width()
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomOutSpeed});
if (opts.shadow == true) {
width: org_image.width(),
marginLeft: offsets.left
}, {queue:false, duration:opts.zoomOutSpeed, complete: function(){ele.remove();}});
<script type='text/javascript'>
Cara tambahkan Image :
1. Cara tambahkan gambar biasa.
<img src="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 100px; width: 170px;" />Hasilnya :
2. Tambah gambar gunakan " Image View Show Thumbnail Jquery ".
<img longdesc="" src="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 100px; width: 170px;" />Hasilnya :
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